Monday, December 8, 2014

Free premium travel responsive joomla template for download

Do you want to improve your travel online business? Then here is the best template to gain profits. Create a joomla website using this travel template. Showcase the information related to travel using the sliders and rich content space. Template is built on white background with bright elements on it. Customization of the template is simple. Responsive and admin panel are the features of the theme. It is two column layout with 1600px of width. Gallery and blog are the functionalities. Back to top button, favicon, google map, google web fonts, modules bundle install, sample content, search engine friendly, social options, sortable gallery, alternative module layouts, advanced theme options and tooltips are the additional features. Semantic code, JQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 are the coding support. PHP and PSD are the sources available.

Proper travel responsive joomla template

Template is having a unique style with fresh design. This responsive template is perfect for designing travel website. Transfer the offline visitors to online visitors by building a nice website. Drop down menus and logo occupies the header portion. Navigation is simple; one can enter into the inner pages of the site using these options. Full length image slider fills the home screen. 3.1.5 is the joomla engine. Responsive, bootstrap and admin panel are the features of the template. You can use this template for gallery and blog functionality. It is two column layout with 2000px of width. Drop down menu, favicon, quickstart package, sample content, search engine friendly, back to top button, commenting system, crossbrowser compatibility, favicon, drop down menu, google web fonts, sortable gallery, tag cloud and tooltips are the additional features of the template. Isotope is the gallery script. PHP and PSD are the sources available. Some of the web forms are integrated in the template like user registration, login form, contact form, advanced search and search form. Valid coding, semantic code, Jquery, HTML 5, CSS3 and 1170 grid system are the coding support. Isotope is the gallery script. PHP and PSD are the sources available.

Travelling for knowledge responsive joomla template

Travelling opens the door for true pleasure of freedom. This template is designed for travel agency. It is simple and pretty. Make your visitor happy by gaining useful information from your website. Template is designed on white background with bright elements. Drop down menus are highlighted with red colors. Navigation is possible using this call to action buttons. Slider displays the bright visuals. Places are sorted and arranged in the left sidebar. 3.2.0 is the joomla engine. Responsive, bootstrap and admin panel are the features of the template. It is two column layout with 1920px of width. Crossbrowser compatibility, back to top button, google map, commenting system and modules bundle install are the additional features of the template. LESS is the coding support. Isotpe is the gallery script. PHP and PSD are the sources available.

Travel agency responsive joomla template

Travel agency is the perfect responsive joomla template for building online travel agency. Home screen of the template is filled with nice visual in the background. Logo and tiny message displays on it. Scroll down for navigation buttons. Call to action drop down menus is arranged. Rich content space is given for presenting the travel agency details. Social network options lies in the bottom of the page where the visitor can check the latest updates of website from social media also. 2.5.14 is the joomla engine. 2.5.0 – 2.5.x is the joomla compatibility version. Gallery and blog are the functionalities. It is two column layout with 2000px of width. HTML plus JS is the animation support. Google map, google web fonts, sample content, quickstart package, search engine friendly, advanced theme options, alternative module layouts, back to top button, favicon, sample content, search engine friendly, sortable gallery and social options are the additional features of the template. Semantic code, Jquery, HTML5 and CSS3 are the coding support. PHP and PSD are the sources available.

Travel agency responsive joomla template

For online travel business we need a perfect visual template. By walking into the site visitor will search for the images. Let the traveler get attracted with special offers and deals. Integrate this amazing template into the joomla website and start earning. Template is having drop down menus in the header. Navigation is so simple with these options. Slider shows the colorful images related to travel. Banners showcase the information in an effective manner. 3.1.5 is the joomla engine. Responsive, bootstrap and admin panel are the features of the template. Gallery and blog is the functionality. It is two column layout with 2000px of width. User registration, alternative module layouts, back to top button, drop down menu, favicon, google map, google web fonts, quickstart package, modules bundle install, sortable gallery, sample content, search engine friendly, gallery and tooltips are the additional features of the template. Login form, user registration, search form, contact form and advanced search are the web forms. Semantic code, JQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and 1170 grid system are the coding support. Isotope is the gallery script. PHP and PSD are the sources available.

Travel agency responsive joomla template

Are you in search of perfect responsive joomla template for your travel business? Here you go with wonderful bright travel agency joomla template. Template is designed by professionals with all latest features inbuilt in it. Template lies on dark blue texture. White color is used to fill the text. Search bar, drop down menus and logo occupies the header portion. Slider shows full length images. Featured videos and images are placed in two rows with four columns. You can add social media icons. 2.5.8 is the joomla engine. Responsive and admin panel are the features of the theme. HTML plus JS is the animation support. It is two column layout with 1200px of width. 2.5.0 – 2.5.x is the joomla compatibility version. PHP and PSD are the sources available. Blog is the functionality.

Travel bureau responsive joomla template


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